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Trump revoke security requirements “fracking” driven by Obama

Трейдер указывает на график на фондовой бирже в Нью-Йорке 2 июля 2014 года. Американский фондовый рынок на этой неделе ждет квартальные отчеты компаний, чтобы узнать, оправданы ли рекордные показатели основных индексов. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Washington, Dec. 28 (.) .- US President, Donald Trump, abrogate tomorrow, Friday, a standard that sets environmental standards for oil extraction technique known as hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” on federal land, driven by government Barack Obama in 2015.
“This rule is necessary to avoid unnecessary burden, unjustified administrative requirements and costs of compliance imposed by the decision of 2015 on the development of gas and  oil ,” the note released by the Bureau of Land Management Department of the Interior, and which it will be published tomorrow in the Federal Register.
After years of discussion, the Obama administration decided in 2015 to force energy companies to meet federal safety standards in the construction of wells used for this technique oil and gas extraction and make public the chemicals used in the process.
However, as Obama was blocked by decision of a judge of Wyoming, who argued that the Department of Interior no no authority on the matter.
That new oil extraction process has raised concerns among the population about the danger of causing contamination of drinking water, emission of toxic gases into the air and even earthquakes.
Thanks to hydraulic fracturing, the US has experienced a “boom” of energy production of oil and gas has helped the decline in energy prices.
Producers of oil and gas have applauded the decision to Trump because it was “too restrictive and reinforced security more than required by state law” in the words of Barry Russell, president of the Association of Petroleum Producers US, published in a statement.
Against this, environmental groups like the Center for Geological Diversity have accused the government of Trump “endanger public health and wildlife by allowing industry fracking trample public lands”.
The decision of the Government of Trump, adding to similar relaxation of environmental requirements, aims to create more jobs and strengthen energy independence of the country, as indicated by the president himself.

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